This is a ring of pages that are related to Lounge music in a way. If you would like to add your page to The Lounge Ring, please submit the requested information below (make up your own password). Joining the ring is very EASY, just follow these steps:



Fill in the form below. You will receive a site ID number and your password will be recorded, please don't forget them.

Go to the graphics page and add the HTML fragment to your site, you will be accepted in the ring ONLY once you have INSERTED the HTML fragment in your web page.

Once you have completed these two simple steps, your site will be reviewed and added to the ring. Enjoy sharing the Lounge neighbourhood! If you need any assistance at all, email me.


Submit your site to ~~~ The Lounge Ring ~~~
Site Title:
Site URL: This should be the url of the site where you will place the HMTL fragment

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.